Rubber dam, also known as rubber sluice, is made of high-strength synthetic fiber fabric as a force skeleton. The inner and outer layers of fabrics are coated with rubber as a protective layer to processed into the rubber body. The rubber body is anchored on the concrete foundation to form a closed dam bag. Pipes need to be laid in advance under the concrete foundation. Inflation and deflation of the rubber dam can be carried out automatically and by remote control.
A rubber dam is formed by pumping air or water into the body. The air is supplied from an air blower and water can be supplied from the mains or through a pump. Generally, the filling and discharging time of water filled rubber dam is longer than that of air filled rubber dam.?The cost of these two kinds of rubber dams is similar.?Rubber dam can be divided into pillow type rubber dam, inclined rubber dam, rubber dam with spoilers, fin rubber dam, arc rubber dam collapsible weir. Rubber dam project includes rubber dam bag, anchorage system and filling and discharging control system. The rubber dam is easy to operate and is extremely durable. Rubber dam project has short construction period and low overall cost. A lightweight structure of rubber dam means better earthquake resistance.
Although the rubber dam is rarely repaired, unlike the conventional steel gate, which needs to be painted regularly to prevent rust.?Regular inspection of rubber dam should be carried out, especially after the flood. It is necessary to check whether there are any floating objects or debris causing stabbing damage to the dam bag, as well as the damage caused by the vibration of the dam body, the abrasion of the dam bag and the concrete foundation, and the friction of stones in the river against the dam bag.?Rubber dam is easy to be damaged by sharp objects, so the management scope and safety area of rubber dam project should be defined on site.
In the 1950s, in order to meet the needs of industrial and agricultural production, rubber dam came into being.?The rubber dam is a permanent structure which is formed by pumping air or water into the dam body. The dam body is made up from layers of fabric which are coated with synthetic rubber. Since 1994, HUAHAI has been involved in the design, supply and manufacture of rubber dams and spillway gates around the world. Compared with other stone and steel dams, the most prominent feature of HUAHAI rubber dam is that the dam body is fabricated in one piece at the factory and rolled up for easy transportation to site, which shortens the construction period.
隨著我國城市現代化步伐的加快,城市河道在城市經濟發展和生態保護中的作用越來越重要,全國各地把在城市河道興建橡膠壩作為改善城市生態環境,謀求社會、經濟效益以及綜合開發城市河道的主要工程措施。華海曾在 2001 年承制了太原市汾河橡膠壩工程中的橡膠壩袋,全長 225.3 米,高 2.5 米。2001 年12 月 28 日,建設部授予該項目“中國人居環境最佳范例獎”;2002 年 5 月 30 日聯合國人居署授予太原汾河景區“2002 年迪拜國際改善人居環境最佳范例稱號獎”。2005 年 8 月國家水利部授予汾河景區“水利風景區”,10 月國家體育總局授予汾河景區“優秀體育公園”。太原市的“汾河公園”、臨沂市環城水系的規劃建設、北京潮白河奧運工程、江北水城—山東聊城、“打造合肥塞納河”水景藍圖等建設項目,均是采用橡膠壩工程進行河道整治,促進城市功能的發揮。隨著橡膠壩技術的進一步發展,其應用范圍也會越來越廣。
為了拓展橡膠壩的環境美化功能,華海從 90 年代初期就研制了彩色橡膠壩。色彩艷麗的橡膠壩在溢流時,形如彩色瀑布,與青山綠水渾然一體。華海的彩色橡膠壩,采用獨特配方、優質原料和先進生產工藝,壩袋色澤均勻穩定,可保持多年不掉色,達到國際先進水平。